What is so special about SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device)?
Dec 05, 2014SQUID was an accidental discovery in the Ford Motor Company’s research lab in Dearborn, Michigan. Five Researchers John Lambe, James Zimmerman, Arnold Silver, Robert Jaklevic, and James Mercereau made this vital discovery in...
Global Warming Challenges that Every Engineer Must be Aware of
Nov 10, 2014“Climate change is…a gross injustice—poor people in developing countries bear over 90% of the burden—through death, disease, destitution and financial loss—yet are least responsible for creating the problem.” - Barbara Stocking...
Make Profits with Engineering Economics
Oct 20, 2014Engineers design the world. When they design or create the world they have to take into account the economic feasibility and profits of the project. It is not sufficient if an engineer is just creative. He or she must know how to make money...
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